MBDA members NOW in Berks, Bucks & Montgomery Counties report that a man is making beer purchases at distributors, sometimes up to 10 cases at one time, using a fraudulent credit card. His initial purchases involved Heineken & Corona products. This scam originated in Bucks & Montgomery Counties and has now spread to other counties and may involve additional beer brands. Members – please be on the alert and read below for more detailed information. 

The card he presents doesn’t swipe, and the man asks the distributor to key-in the numbers. The distributor keys it in, it reads “approved”, but the end result is that the card is fraudulent and the distributor is out the money.

Just to be clear. If the card doesn’t swipe or the chip isn’t being read, ask for a different form of payment. 


Below is VISA’s Chargeback Best Practices. Please note that these are the card association’s rules, and are applicable regardless of what processing company a member uses. Most disputes can be attributed to improper transaction-processing procedures and can be prevented with appropriate training and attention to detail. The following best practices will help you minimize disputes.

Card-Present Merchants:

Declined Authorization – Do not complete a transaction if the authorization request was declined.
Expired Card – Do not accept a card after its “Good Thru” or “Valid Thru” date.

Card Imprint for Key-Entered Card-Present Transactions:  
If for any reason, you must key-enter a transaction to complete a card-present sale, make an imprint of the front of the card on the transaction receipt, using a manual imprinter. Do not capture an impression of the card using a pencil, crayon, or another writing instrument. This process does not constitute a valid imprint. Even if the transaction is authorized and the receipt is signed, the transaction may be disputed back to you if fraud occurs and the receipt does not have an imprint of the account number and expiration date.

This applies to all card-present transactions, including key-entry situations, where the card presented is chip and the terminal is chip-enabled. When a merchant key-enters a transaction, an imprint is required regardless of the type of card and terminal capability.


  • Ensure that the transaction information on the transaction receipt is complete, accurate, and legible before completing the sale. An illegible receipt, or a receipt which produces an illegible copy, may be returned because it cannot be processed properly. The growing use of electronic scanning devices for the electronic transmission of copies of transaction receipts makes it imperative that the item being scanned be very legible.

Fraudulent Card-Present Transaction.

  • If the cardholder is present and has the account number but not the card, do not accept the transaction. Even with an authorization approval, the transaction can be disputed and sent back to you if it turns out to be fraudulent.